If you have a trip to Ha Giang, you will have an opportunity to enjoy a dish that if you try once you will never forget, it is Lam rice. Lam rice in Bac Me area is becoming a special characteristic of ethnic Tay in Ha Giang.
It is very simple to cook this. Glutinous rice is cleaned and filtered, mixed with salt and then put in a tube that is made of bamboo, along with water from a mineral stream.
The cooking tube has one solid end and another end sealed by banana or phrynium leaves.
After preparation, the tube is roasted on the fire or burning coal for about an hour, until the tasty smell of glutinous rice spreads through the pot.
To eat this rice, the outer burnt cover of the tube is removed with a knife to reveal the inner white cover, and after that, the white cover is also removed. Now the lam rice has a tube shape with a light membrane of bamboo around it, which adds a unique taste to the rice.
When it is done, the singed skin of the bamboo is removed, leaving a thin cover that is also peeled away when you eat. Sniffing the blending fragrance of fresh bamboo, banana leave, and sticky rice as well as experiencing the sweet flavor of rice, bamboo, and coconut, and the greasy saltiness of sesame, or the great taste of grilled wild boar are certain to induce guests to fall in love with “cơm lam”. A tube of “cơm lam” plus fragrant grilled wild boar taken with a sip of “rượu cần” (literally “straw wine”) is enough for you fall in line with nature and people here.
In the past,people believe that Lam Rice will avoid metal being immersed with the mother’s milk , therefore it was mostly for women after they gave birth. Now this special dish is popular for every one.
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