Han River is Vibrant with Windsurfing Performances

At night of September 2, tourists and Da Nang residents witnessed spectacular performances of windsurfing, jetsky, and canoe on Han river.

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At 5 pm of September 2, the windsurfing program on Han river started. The program is organized by People’s Committee of Da Nang city, Department of culture, sport and tourism, and Da Nang event and festival organization on occasion of 69-year anniversary of the National Day.

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The program takes place in the part of river between Dragon bridge and Han river bridge swings. Tourists and residents here stand crowdedly in walking park on Bach Dang street.

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It is not too strange to Da Nang people, but windsurfing still attracts a lot of viewers and creates a highlight for tourism products on occasion of holiday.

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Two canoes run first and four jetsky run behind. And they run close to Bach Dang street in order that residents and tourists can witness clearly.

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Canoe is accompanied with two banana buoys. Jetsky run around to ensure safety for people on the buoys.

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It looks simple to sit on banana buoy but it is not easy and dangerous, just a big wave is able to make the buoy upside down.

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Main part of the program is a contest of four jetsky. Participants follow contest rules and perform good looking windsurfing.

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Parachute canoe appears at the beginning and the end of the program. In Da Nang, these activities usually perform in beaches to serve residents and tourists.

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The canoe performance creates beautiful water marks on Han River.

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The end of the program took place canoe performance accompany five participants, carry Vietnamese flag. Before that, in the morning of September 2, on the Han River, a contest of traditional boat racing took place and involved more than 200 male and female rowers.

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